Welcome to
Milford, New Hampshire
Established 1794

Francis X. Fraitzl, III
Chief of Department

 Milford Fire Department    39 School Street
Milford, NH 03055

Office: 673-3136
Fax: 673-0657

Chiefs Welcome

Dept News

Recent Incidents


Apparatus & Personnel



Fire Prevention/Code Enforcement



MFD Times

Official Department Newletter



 Welcome to The 

Milford Fire Department


As you decorate your home for the holiday season, we encourage you to 

Please water your Christmas Tree, so that we don't have to........


Click to here to see what happens to a dry tree


We hope that you have a 

joyous, safe and 

Happy Holiday season!



With the heating season approaching, Carbon Monoxide problems increase.  Click here for more information on Carbon Monoxide safety.



Heating equipment is a leading cause of home fires during the months of December, January and February, and trails only cooking equipment in home fires year-round.  Here are some tips for Heating Safety: 


Install your stationary (fixed) space heater according to manufacturer’s instructions or applicable codes or better yet, have it installed by a professional.
dot Plug your electric-powered space heater into an outlet with sufficient capacity and never into an extension cord.
dot Use the proper grade of the proper fuel for your liquid-fueled space heater, and never use gasoline in any heater not approved for gasoline use.  Refuel only in a well-ventilated area and when the equipment is cool.
dot In your fireplace or wood stove, use only dry, seasoned wood to avoid the build-up of creosote, an oily deposit that easily catches fire and accounts for most chimney fires and the largest share of home heating fires generally. Use only paper or kindling wood, not a flammable liquid, to start the fire. Do not use artificial logs in wood stoves.
dot  Make sure your fireplace has a sturdy screen to prevent sparks from flying into the room. Allow fireplace and woodstove ashes to cool before disposing in a metal container, which is kept a safe distance from your home.

Turn off space heaters whenever the room they are in is unoccupied or under circumstances when manufacturer’s instructions say they should be turned off. Portable space heaters are so easy to knock over in the dark that they should be turned off when you go to bed, but make sure your primary heating equipment for the bedrooms is sufficient to avoid risks to residents from severe cold.

dot Do not use your oven to heat your home.

Make sure fuel-burning equipment is vented to the outside, that the venting is kept clear and unobstructed, and that the exit point is properly sealed around the vent, all of which is to make sure deadly carbon monoxide does not build up in the home.

dot Inspect all heating equipment annually, and clean as necessary.
dot Test smoke alarms monthly; install a carbon monoxide alarm in a central location outside each sleeping area.





Milford Fire is also proud to present our very own 

The Flaherty's Great Escape


For more information please go to 




Serving our Community with Pride  



 Last Update 01/03/2008